Masterclass of Adriaan van Bokhoven

Painter, Adriaan van Bokhoven (born in 1956 in Drunen, The Netherlands) trained at the Royal Academy of Art and Design in ‘s Hertogenbosch.  He was originally schooled in the traditional way  but a good painter is always looking for ways to stay in touch with his market so he now also makes use of digital techniques.

I quote, “the palette of the computer is fascinating and unlimited, a medium of the present times. When travelling with my laptop, I am travelling with my entire studio ….”.  Look at David Hockney, a master of contemporary art, who is not shy to use his IPad as a painting tool.  Without a background any device is a useless instrument … a painting box does not make a palette!

Painting outdoors is an experience all of it’s own.  It is the visualisation of elements in movement that eventually result in a coagulated impression of reality. It is therefore not important if you are schooled or not.  It is all about feeling and inhaling the wind, the light and fragrance and translating this onto a flat surface.

How?  By spontaneously and quickly capturing the moment on canvas.  The experience is completely up to the creator of their work.  Every person does this in their own way – expressing their personal experience of the situation and translating this in their own style.  There are no restrictions or framework.  My task is to support you strengthen your own style.  I can also further help you in the traditional style or non-figurative style.  I have no personal preference!